Art by Emily Watkins de Jong


37 booths + faculty talks + graduate student led Ask a Scientist Cafe
4 food trucks + live music
​175 faculty, staff, post-doctoral fellows, students
80 community volunteers
5,000 visitors (approx.)

Theme insect

This year there was no single theme insect – instead we celebrated the surprising fact that more species of native bees (around 1,000) live in and around Tucson than any other place in the world. Unlike honey bees, most bee species are solitary. Moms do all the work, commonly building underground nests where they lay their eggs on top of pollen they have collected to nourish their young. Let’s make sure to preserve this amazing natural history!


KGUN9 Morning Blend 
Oct 14, 2019
UA News
Oct 16, 2019
Arizona Daily Star
​Oct 18, 2019
Daily Wildcat
Oct 23, 2019

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