Art by Cara Gibson


19 booths, lecture room, and Meet the Mascot
121 faculty, staff, post-doctoral fellows, students
54 community volunteers
5,000 visitors (approx.)

Theme insect

This year’s theme insect was the two-tailed swallowtail Papilio multicaudata. Adult butterflies are out in spring and summer and lay eggs on a variety of host plants, including Arizona rosewood and sycamore. The emerging caterpillars feed on the foliage, folding a host plant’s leaves and and securing the bundle with silk for protection. Pupae overwinter and then complete metamorphosis and emerge as adult butterflies in spring. This is the Arizona State butterfly.


Daily Wildcat 
Sept 15, 2013
Arizona Daily Star
Sept 13, 2013
Tucson Weekly
Sept 12, 2013

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